人品守恒定律:Alden Modified楦马臀靴子开箱与翻车
最近想玩玩Modified楦,于是买了双M楦马臀。这个楦除了美国鞋店Moulded独占,以及made for巴黎Anatomica等店之外,海外市场基本是专供日本人了,所以也被人习惯称为“日本限定”
不过开箱的N0805H这个款式确实也算是日本限定了,M楦+3/4暴风沿条+与403 Indy一样的木屑橡胶底,跟日本复古店Arch前年发售的独占款是完全一样的配置,当时第一眼看到就觉得挺喜欢这个组合的。只不过我买来的价格要比Arch那含税223300日元的杀猪价美丽不少,知名奥登供应商李逍遥哥那边的价格确实还可以,不得不感叹玩这些的日本人真是水深火热。。。




1 阳光下,左右脚有明显色差
2 右脚鞋头明显染料痕迹
3 左右脚前港宝痕迹明显



跟Alden Indy一样的Neo cork sole木屑橡胶底


熟悉的内衬和编号,从左往右,8 B/D表示是美码US8,前掌围度D后跟围度B。N0805H,N代表出货给日本市场,0805表示是2010年出品的一双Plain toe靴子,H表示Hooks也就是快扣

Acronyms 常见字母缩写 LWB: Longwing Blucher SWB: Shortwing Blucher AWB: Alt Wien Blucher PTB: Plain Toe Blucher LHS: Leisure Hand Sewn (A Penny Loafer) NST: Norwegian Split Toe CT/ST: Cap Toe/Straight Tip PCT: Perforated Cap Toe WTB: Wingtip Boots
AoC - Alden of Carmel
AoDC - Alden of Washington D.C.
AoM - Alden Madison (New York)
AoSF - Alden of San Francisco
TSM - The Shoe Mart
BTW, the production month codes do not include the letter I, so it goes A = January, B = February, C = March, D = April, E = May, F = June, G = July, H = August, J = September, K = October, L = November, M = December.
Also, the order number is not entirely "random" -- in your example above, 2K29 029 -- there can sometimes be an "X" or a "Y" in the middle there to fill that gap. The three digits at the end (029) are the batch/run number. The presence of an X or a Y before those digits usually indicates that the order has multiple batches/runs in it. I haven't seen any letters other than X or Y used to indicate which batch/run the shoe is from. Sometimes, however, Alden will simply increase the batch number by 1 rather than designating it as an X or Y batch. For example, you might see a second batch with the number 2K29 030 (if there had been one).
Finally, the model codes themselves are not random. For most stock/catalog models, and certain already-established model numbers (pre-dating 2013), the model numbers don't necessarily follow any sort of convention, although there is some consistency in the way they are assigned.
For example, with stock models or older makeups, the 975 is a long wing shoe in Color 8, while the 9794 is the same shoe in snuff suede. The 9750 is ravello with dark edges, the 97502 is ravello with dark edge and crepe sole, the 97504 is ravello with antique edge and leather sole, the 97506 is ravello with waterloc and antique, etc., while the 97505 is color 8 with antique. Similarly, the 4461 is the color 8 wingtip boot while the 44621 is the ravello version. The 4060 is the color 8 cap toe on grant while the 4070 is the color 8 cap toe on barrie, etc. -- in short, there is some consistency although the pattern and system is not quite as rigorous.
For retailer makeups beginning in 2013, however, it gets far more interesting. Alden uses a convention which goes as follows:
A = letter indicating the region (choices below)
A = Asia (essentially all of Asia except Japan) [not to be confused with Alden for Brooks Brothers shoes, which begin with an A as well, but do not follow this numbering system]
G = Canada
M = Europe
N = Japan
1 = number indicating the last digit of the year the makeup was originally created/ordered
For example, a makeup submitted by a USA retailer in 2018 would begin with "D8", but if a retailer ordered the same makeup that had been previously made (even if by another retailer) it would get the same number as that prior makeup.
For example, the D5511, which is a Color 8 LWB on antique edges, had originally been created in 2015, but has been ordered by multiple retailers since. Similarly, the M6405 (unlined front color 8 dover blucher) was created in 2016 but has been ordered by several retailers (including USA retailers) since. Re-orders of makeups receive the same, original style number, of course.
2 = number indicating the broad category into which the style falls (choices below)
1 = tassel moccasin
2 = all other slip-on loafers (including LHS)
3 = all bal oxfords
4 = bluchers (plain toe)
5 = bluchers (straight tip, wingtip)
6 = bluchers (algonquin, mocc toe, NST)
7 = boots (chukka)
8 = boots (plain toe, straight tip, wingtip)
9 = boots (mocc toe, NST)
0 = misc [have never seen a makeup with this so not sure what it actually is used for]
34 = two-digit number indicating which sequential number that makeup is that year, within the region and category of numbers 1 and 2
For example, a makeup submitted by a USA retailer which is the 4th plain toe boot makeup to be submitted in 2018 (by a USA retailer) would begin with "D8804"
BC = one or two letters denoting details of the shoe (examples/choices below, the most common of which are bolded), if necessary [if anyone has better info on the unknowns, let me know] [also, some of these were used prior to the institution of the makeup numbering system, and do not appear to have been used since, particularly the unknown ones]
A = unknown [not used since prior to 2013]
B = unknown [not used since prior to 2013]
C = commando sole
D = Dainite sole [yep, Alden has used Dainite before, but extremely rarely]
E = exposed eyelets, used on some "monkey" sneakers but also for some shoes with exposed eyelets [not used since prior to 2013]
F = flex welt
H = speed hooks
M = unknown, in particular seems to be used for makeups for Eduard Meier in Munich, possibly for other European retailers as well, possibly to denote European makeups prior to the use of the newer numbering system (which may explain why M is used to denote Europe in the newer numbering system) [not used since prior to 2013]
R = rubber sole (thin) [not used since prior to 2013]
S = lug sole
U = unlined
X = unknown, used on some orthopedic-line shoes in the past, as well as on a recent order where the shoes were mis-dyed with a different dye
Y = extended welt (welt is trimmed to be wider than typical)




跟之前写的8D 379X黑色马臀对比一下。可以看到同码同宽度,M的鞋头长一点,前掌宽一点。足弓处M的凸起更明显,而且M这种香蕉楦收腰更明显,后跟的话两者差不多








试穿了一下觉得还挺合脚的,M楦确实比较适合大部分人,不仅仅是亚洲人。主要体现在鞋腰和后跟比常见的Alden B楦、Viberg 2030这种收的更紧,贴合度更好,也更跟脚
我自己的话,是这样选的:M楦8D,379X 8D,Viberg 2030 8(袜子薄点的话7.5就行),Meermin Negon Kudu 7.5

M和B楦一样都属于1/2 larger than dress shoe,而379X则是TTS (True To Size),所以theshoemart建议379比M和B都要选小半码





最后骂一句:Alden翻车 损我钱财 耗我青春
