@xiaozhao7 不好意思回复晚了 不要嘲笑我的渣英语哈 HI > > Today,I was surprised to find that Oakley Fast Jacket have a new price. > my order number is 123456789. My ID is XXXXXXX @XX.com > The price is $ 119.99 when i order , but 100.99 now. > I feel a little disappointed . After 15 days, prices fell $19 . So,i hope that ,will you return the price difference to me > > Thank u very much... > Have a nice day
不好意思 回晚了 如果有错误不要嘲笑我的渣英语 HI > > Today,I was surprised to find that Oakley Fast Jacket have a new price. > my order number is 12345678. My ID is XXXXXX@xx.com > The price is $ 119.99 when i order , but 100.99 now. > I feel a little disappointed . After 15 days, prices fell $19 . So,i hope that ,will you return the price difference to me ? > > Thank u very much... > Have a nice day
给朋友了…不知道换没换 给我爸买的放车上了 车丢了…
你看评论里 我发了呀 往下拽拽
啦啦啦 又遭到严厉的夸赞啊
@xiaozhao7 不好意思回复晚了 不要嘲笑我的渣英语哈
> Today,I was surprised to find that Oakley Fast Jacket have a new price.
> my order number is 123456789. My ID is XXXXXXX @XX.com
> The price is $ 119.99 when i order , but 100.99 now.
> I feel a little disappointed . After 15 days, prices fell $19 . So,i hope that ,will you return the price difference to me
> Thank u very much...
> Have a nice day
不好意思 回晚了 如果有错误不要嘲笑我的渣英语
> Today,I was surprised to find that Oakley Fast Jacket have a new price.
> my order number is 12345678. My ID is XXXXXX@xx.com
> The price is $ 119.99 when i order , but 100.99 now.
> I feel a little disappointed . After 15 days, prices fell $19 . So,i hope that ,will you return the price difference to me ?
> Thank u very much...
> Have a nice day
没了... 还用过一阵润东 风雷 风雷太...!@%#¥……%¥&了 润东还可以 价格不算便宜 同学说星辰也不错
哈哈 谢谢楼主 朋友帮我把19刀要回来啦。话说转中一直不给注册,还有啥价廉物美的转运公司推荐吗?
@vicky2412 跪谢!
转中vip 500g是42吧 再发次邮件试试呢? 他们客服多 告诉我可以退款后我发个邮件表示感谢 结果两个客服给回信了 说不定再发一遍换个客服处理会不同呢
楼主我和你买的一样的眼镜 时间也是同一时间 结果我发邮件过去他们就说可以退货再重拍 但是邮费要我出 nnd。。。话说你用的啥快递啊?只要40RMB?这么便宜
明儿发你 我顺手瞎写的 不要嘲笑我
鼻托好宽啊~另配的鼻托是什么养的??能收窄吗?前面买过一个欧克利 给悲剧了
有没有彩膜 偏光的 这个牌子的眼镜推荐呀